GEO-SAFE Workshop
“Innovative Models For Fire Management”

Barcelona 5-7 June 2017

(Organisers: RMIT, PCF)


This was a very useful workshop comprising a mix of modellers and fire-fighters. There was an initial explanation from each person present on their background and the work they were currently undertaking.

There were two main themes that the modellers are pursuing. One of the themes is to do with the spatial and temporal scheduling of prescribed burning to reduce fuel load in the landscape. The other theme relates to the deployment of resources. Incident management teams, under pressure of time, need to make decisions about the deployment of fire-fighting resources for initial attack during a fire event. Similarly, in the event that the fire is uncontrollable, resources need to be deployed to protect assets as much as possible. Continue reading here…


Fieldtrip to the 2015 Òdena Fire and Montserrat together with the “2017 World Congress on Natural Resource Modelling”

09:00 h

09:00 h - 18:00 h

Guest Speakers: Asier Larrañaga (Catalan Fire Department), Elsa Pastor (CERTEC-UPC), Miquel Rafa (Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation).


Morning visits:

  • Life Montserrat project
  • Modeling solutions for wildfire emergencies and resource management

Lunch: 13.00h

Afternoon visits:

  • Montserrat natural park, monastery and art museum [MAP]

Return time: 18.30-19.00h



GEO-SAFE Workshop at RMIT Europe

14.00 h

14.00 h - 16.00 h

Topic: Innovative models for fire managment: initial attack and fuel management

Location: RMIT Barcelona

Address: Carrer de Minerva, 2, 08006 Barcelona

More information:

18:00 h

WCNRM2017 - Social Event

18:00 h - 21:00 h

The Welcome Event will take place in the iconic Gaudi’s building La Pedrera and should be booked separately (free entrance).

Location: Casa Milà – La Pedrera

Participation at the WCNRM2017 oral sessions at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona

09:00 h

Conference Welcome

09:00 h - 09:20 h

09:20 h

Keynote Lecture - Mark Finney, US Forest Service

09:20 h - 10:20 h

Title: New Understanding of Wildfire Behavior

Chair: Marc Castellnou

10:20 h

Coffe Break

10:20 h - 10:50 h

10:50 h


10:50 h - 12:30 h

ROOM A / SESSION 1A Fire behaviour (models and data sources). Chair: Cortés, Anna

Farguell, Angel (Spain). Spatial and time resolutions: two critical aspects for operational forest fire spread simulation

Stein, Alfred (The Netherlands). Uncertainty in the modeling of spatial big data on bushfires

Rios, Oriol (Spain). A data-driven fire spread simulator: validation in Vall-llobrega’s fire

Caballero, David (Spain). Applicability, suitability and limitations of data and models in the simulation of fire behaviour in the WUI

Pastor, Elsa (Spain). A modelling framework for ecological wildfire effects studies in tropical ecosystems

ROOM B / SESSION 1B. Chair: Olivar Tost, Gerard

Oubraham, Aichouche (Canada). Viability of agro-ecological systems under climatic uncertainty

Saqalli, Mehdi (France). Development of an integrated generic model for multi-scale assessment of the impacts of agro-ecosystem on major ecosystem services in West-Africa

Prudhomme, Rémi (France). Legumes production in Europe to mitigate agricultural emissions in a global perspective

Alday, Josu G. (Spain). Inter-annual versus spatial variation: which drives mushroom biomass and diversity in Mediterranean elevational gradients?

Daunes, Lise (France). Land use analysis and impacts on trade-offs between biodversity conservation and carbon sequestration

12:30 h

Lunch Break

12:30 h - 13:30 h

13:30 h


13:30 h - 14:30 h

ROOM A / SESSION 2A. Chair: Stein, Alfred

Hearne, John (Australia). Conservation challenges in fire prone landscapes

Pereira Pacheco, Abílio (Portugal). Flexible design of a network of helipads for a fleet of forest firefighting helicopters

León, Javier (Spain). Multicriteria and Stochastic Optimization applied to wildfires

ROOM B / SESSION 2B. Chair: Gajardo, Pedro

Mouysset, Lauriane (France). Land-use policies to deal with biodiversity: a bio-economic analysis

Bates, Samuel (France). Are the Impacts of Global Changes so Irreversible? An Application of the Viability approach on tropical agrosystems

Courtois, Pierre (France). A tale of two diversities

ROOM C / SESSION 2C. Chair: Montiel, Cristina

Vall-llossera, Mercè (Spain). Forest fire prevention using SMOS soil moisture and land surface temperature measurements from satellite

Marino, Eva (Spain). Combining LiDAR data and stereoscopic hemispherical images for 3D forest structure characterization

de Cáceres, Miquel (Spain). Development of a modelling framework to monitor drought stress of forests at the regional level

14:35 h

Keynote Lecture - Marc Castellnou, Catalan Fire and Rescue Service

14:35 h - 15:30 h

Title: Decision taking during forest fire emergencies  

Chair: Mark Finney

15:30 h

Coffe Break

15:30 h - 15:50 h

15:50 h


15:50 h - 17:50 h

ROOM A / SESSION 3A. Chair: de Cáceres, Miquel

Galiana Martín Luis (Spain). Characterization of fire scenarios at a regional scale. The case of Spain

Oliveres, Jordi (Spain). Modeling the complexity of wildfire regimes from a transdisciplinary approach; statistical patterns, the vision of fire experts community and the concept of wildfire generations

Aquilué, Núria (Spain). Using land-use changes to influence the fire regime in fire-prone landscapes

Montiel Molina, Cristina (Spain). The complex interaction of land use changes and fire regime in the Central Mountains Range region (Spain)

Duane, Andrea  (Spain). The challenge of emergence in fire regimes in landscape succession models

ROOM B / SESSION 3B. Chair: Courtois, Pierre

De Cacqueray Valmenier, Yannick (France). Adaptation and farming trajectories: the example of organic farming

Xu, Quing (France). Farmers’ social network changes during decision process about transformational adaptation

Trullols, Enric (Spain). Bifurcations in a Model of Natural Resources and Human Activity

Henselek, Yuki (Germany). How pollinator diversity affects the probability distribution of pollination and of farm income

Olivar Tost, Gerard (Colombia). The role of economic cooperation between two rural communities

Caen, Auguste (France). Effect of sedimentation ponds on the mitigation of eutrophication lake: evidence from lake Aydat (France)

ROOM C / SESSION 3C. Chair: Thebaud, Olivier

Hatcher, Aaron (UK). Modelling quota prices in multispecies fisheries with and without a discard ban

Kelly, Michael (USA). Optimal harvesting strategies of a fish stock affected by habitat degradation

Kovacevic, Raimund (Austria). Optimal harvesting for a stochastic fishery model – the role of information

Nichols, Rachel (Australia). Optimal quota allocation in a fishery with habitat effects

Sadefo Kamdem, Jules (French Guyane). Real option approach for optimal fishery harvesting with jumps in stock dynamics

Stoeven, Max (Germany). How to measure quotas in second-best fisheries?