Mosaic landscapes in Prades Mountains natural area: Wildfires resilience and opportunities for local bioeconomy
The innovative project RUMIAR aims to generate resilient landscapes to prevent wildfires and promote the forest bioeconomy, by mosaic landscapes management.
The project will be developed in Prades Mountain range, a protected area of the Natura 2000 Network and the only one with pastoral activity in Tarragona’s mountains, which is currently at high risk due to wildfires. Specifically, will be performed in an area of 503 hectares distributed in 11 strategic fire prevention zones spread throughout the massif.
Landscape will be transformed into ecological mosaic that will act as natural firewalls. Also, this territorial transformation will enhance opportunities for social and economic development based on the local resources of the forest bioeconomy. The project will also promote rural development through green employment and ecosystem services, giving prominence to extensive livestock farming and strengthening the value chain of local products.
Finally, RUMIAR’s holistic approach to key aspects such as biodiversity conservation, forest bioeconomy, adaptation and resilience to climate change and socioeconomic development will allow actions to be adjusted and adapted a posteriori to different geographic and sociocultural contexts, responding to particularities of each territory.
RUMIAR is supported by Fundación Biodiversidad del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), financed by the European Union – Next GenerationEU.