The Big Silence

Featured information
Start date:
Jul 1, 2014
End date:
Jul 1, 2014
Carles Caparrós y Josep Maria Flores
Participating entities:
Promoters of the documentary ‘El Gran Silenci. Horta de Sant Joan’

The events that happened in the fire of Horta de Sant Joan in July 2009 in some way represented a before and after in the world of the extinction of forest fires, both here and elsewhere. Among others, he highlighted the need for a different approach to the reality of forest fires to face the new challenges that we already face in forest fires. Those events caused that thousands of hours of work, research, analysis, reflections and debate were subsequently used to understand what happened that July afternoon in Horta and what lessons could be taken to improve the future. That afternoon of July 2009 in Horta de Sant Joan there was an episode hitherto unpublished in Europe, more than a hundred firefighters were at high risk simultaneously.

The documentary ‘El Gran Silenci. Horta de Sant Joan ‘gives voice to many people who experienced that episode of trapping first hand. They tell us how they saw and lived it and we will also listen to their reflections after that day. We will also hear voices of professionals with a lot of experience in the world of extinction who will explain how to deal with these emergencies. The intervention of experts and researchers from the forestry world will allow us to configure a reality of how we have to face actions in our forests through their vision and we will understand their vulnerability to large forest fires. This documentary also seeks to explain to society the problems facing the world of extinction, analyzing its causes and thus drawing lessons from what happened in Horta de Sant Joan in July 2009.

Extended Version of the Documentary ‘El Gran Silenci. Horta de Sant Joan

At the beginning of 2015, a new 100-minute extended version was prepared where more protagonists were given a voice. This new version was released thanks to the essential collaboration of the Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya (ISPC), on April 30, 2015, within the framework of the ‘Conference Managing emergencies in uncertain scenarios: learning from experience ‘. Currently, it is available in Spanish, Catalan, English and Italian.

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