Board of Trustees

Miriam Piqué

Míriam Piqué, PhD in Forestry Engineering (Universitat de Lleida and CIFOR-INIA, Madrid), is responsible for the Sustainable Forest Management Unit of the Forestry Science Center of Catalonia (CTFC) since 1998. Dr. Piqué has more than 20 years of experience in coordination andbparticipation in national, European and cooperative projects related to forest dynamics and adaptive and multiple-use forest management and planning. She also has experience in the participation and coordination of scientific seminars, congresses,
field trips and workshops related to her field of research. Piqué is author and co-author of more than 120 publications including research articles, technical papers, books and book chapters.


Miriam Piqué


Head of the Multifunctional Forest Management Program, CTFC

Jaume Costa

Since 1970, Jaume Costa has spent his entire professional life in a Catalan multinational company in the tanning sector. From 1970 to 1985 he worked in technical and industrial management tasks all over the world. From 1985 to 2010 he was in management and commercial leadership positions, always in the foreign sector, in Asia, Middle East, Europe and North Africa. Retired since August 2010.

Jaume Costa


Chemical Technical Engineer

Luis Berbiela

Luis Berbiela is a forestry engineer and "pinariego". He defines himself as a defender, manager
and restorer of natural spaces and forests, as well as concerned about the abandonment and
desertification of the cultural landscapes of the Mediterranean environment. He is a walker who
enjoys every forest bath. Luis is a member of the Technical Group of Forest Fires of the Balearic
Islands, as well as representative of the Balearic Islands Autonomous Community in the National
Committee for the Fight against Forest Fires (CLIF)

Luis Berbiela

Vice President

Head of the Forest Management Service and Soil Protection (Balearic Islands Government)

Pepa Moran

Pepa Morán Núñez is an architect since 2001 by the ETSAV, Master in Landscape Architecture
MAP-UPC and Official Research Master in Urbanism DUOT- UPC, developing the doctoral thesis: Disruptive Landscapes, the representation of forest fires in the Mediterranean. Morán is also Teacher of the Master in Landscape Architecture-UPC since 2006, associate professor of the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning DUOT-ETSAB-UPC and of the Official Master in Landscape Architecture MBLandArch since 2016.

Since 2005 she combines teaching and research activity with work on public space and land use planning projects. From 2007 to 2011 he has worked as a member of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Rivers Team, developing public space and land management projects in fluvial spaces of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Since 2014 he participates and is part of the organization of international seminars, in collaboration with the Forest Fire Community of Catalonia, on Forest Fire Risk Planning in the territory, from an integrative perspective of forest fires as dynamics in the Mediterranean landscape.

Pepa Moran


PhD Architech, landscape professional, professor at DUOT ETSAB-UPC

Jordi Palau

A Forestry Engineer and Master in Protected Natural Areas, Palau has advised private reserves and managed several natural parks and national game reserves, including the Alt Pirineu natural park and the Boumort reserve. In these areas he has dealt with the management of habitats and wildlife species, hunting, ecotourism and/or rural development. Palau is the author of the book “Rewilding Iberia. Explorando el potencial de la renaturalización en España”, (Editorial Lynx, 2020), the first book that addresses the topic of rewilding in Spain.

Jordi Palau


Director of the National Game Reserve of Boumort

Juli Pausas

Doctor from the University of Barcelona, specializing in Ecology, Pausas is currently a research scientist at CSIC. His research focuses on understanding the ecological and evolutionary role of disturbances, and in particular, the role of fire in biodiversity, considering different scales and levels of organization. This research is mainly carried out in Mediterranean ecosystems, and also
in tropical savannas. Dr. Pausas has published numerous scientific articles and several books, and
is one of the most cited Spanish researchers.

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Juli Pausas


Scientist at CSIC

Rosa Planelles

PhD in Forestry Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Dr. Planelles completed her
thesis at INIA, researching on canopy restoration, soil improvement, forest plant quality, nursery production, rooting techniques in arid areas and resistance to water stress. In addition, she worked as a Senior Specialist Technician in Forest Fires in the MAPA and in the private company Eimfor S.L., managing technical assistance, public tenders for training and execution of integral services of extinction, prevention, investigation of causes and evaluation of fire behavior. For 15 years she has been an associate professor at the UPM. Dr. Planelles has directed 34 undergraduate and master's degree projects. In 2013 she joined the Arquimea Group, being since 2019, the director of the R+D+i Project Management Area at Kaudal, a company dedicated to Technological Patronage. Planellas has been a member of the Governing Board of the Colegio
Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes since 2016.

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Rosa Planelles


Director of the R+D+I Project Area in Kaudal

Eduardo Rojas

Forestry Engineer by the University of Freiburg (1985), Dr. Forestry Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1996). Professor at the Universitat of Lleida (1994-2000) and Politècnica de València (2001-). Manager of the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya (1992-98). Spanish representative in the European Confederation of Forest Owners (CEPF, 1993-98). Responsible for the Forestry Policy Area of the CTFC (1996-99) and coordinator of 6 editions of the Forestry
Policy Forums (1996-2008). Deputy Director of Academic Coordination of the ETSI Agronomists
(2004-10). President of PROFOR-Comunitat Valenciana (2003-2007). Dean of the Association of Forestry Engineers in the Valencian Community (2004-10). Assistant Director-General and Head of the FAO Forestry Department (2010-15) and Chairman of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (2010-15). Co-chair of UN-REDD (2014), UN Commissioner General for the Universal Exposition of Milan 2015. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Forest
Institute (1998-2002). Vice-President of the Forest Value Chain of the European Forest Platform (2005-2006). Member of the Board of Directors of PEFC-International (2016-21, Chairman of the Board of Directors (2021-). Dean of the College and President of the Association of Forestry Engineers, President of the Natural Capital Foundation and Coordinator of Together for Forests at Spanish level (2016- ), Secretary of UPCI (2018- ). 1 Sexennium of research, 1 sexennium of transfer, 4 quinquenniums, 8 triennia. Direction of 3 doctoral theses. Montero de Burgos Award in
communication (2005), Important (Levante, 2010), Honorary Member of the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya (2010) and to the collegial merit of the Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes (2011).

Eduardo Rojas


Dean of “Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes”, professor at the UPV and  President of PEFC-International

Pep Serra

Josep Serra (Tarragona, 1970) is a specialist in family and community medicine and a self-taught illustrator. He is a member of the PCF since 2015. Serra is a contributor to the Fire and Natural Hazards Magazine and creator of part of the graphic material of the Foundation. Serra is the author of the virtual exhibition "Memòries de Foc" and the itinerant exhibition. He is also generator of graphic content of the largest collection on the monograph of forest fires, ART&FIRE of the PCF.

Pep Serra


Family medicine e illustrador

Fabio Silva

Silva is an Operations Deputy at the National Special Force for Civil Protection, Portugal. He is also coordinator of the Group of Analysis and Use of Fire in Portugal and certified technician for the use of controlled and suppression fire. In addition, he is a trainer in forest firefighting at the National Fire School. Silva works as an expert for the European Commission and participated in the Chile Mission as an European Commission expert.

Fabio Silva


Operations deputy, Auroridade Nacional de Emergência E Proteçao Civil, Portugal

Virginia Carracedo

Geographer, PhD from the University of Cantabria, Virginia wrote her thesis on "Forest fires and fire management in Cantabria", which has been awarded twice. She is currently part of the Study and Management of the Natural Environment Research Group (GIMENA) and is a teacher and researcher in the Department of Geography, Urbanism and Territorial Planning of the University of Cantabria. In the field of forest fires, she has participated in various research projects, publications, congresses, conferences and talks, as well as in the organization of various summer courses. An area in which she is especially interested in the relationship between fire and fires and with society and the territory. He is a representative of the University of Cantabria in the Board for the Prevention and Fight against Forest Fires of Cantabria, an advisory body in charge of monitoring the application of the Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Fight against Forest Fires of Cantabria, of which he has been a part since its inception. commissioned in 2016.

Virginia Carracedo


Professor and Researcher at the Department of Geography, Urbanism and Territorial Planning of the University of Cantabria

Marta Corella

Marta Corella


Forestal Engineer

Bibiana Bilbao

Bibiana Bilbao, PhD in Ecology and Professor at Environmental Studies, Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela, with 25+ years leading national and international interdisciplinary action-research projects promoting integrated fire management, with an intercultural perspective in Latin America, fostering Indigenous and local cultural heritage and biodiversity. Her approach prioritises sincere and honest inclusion, aiming to share knowledge, strengthen local and institutional capacities, and respect diverse perspectives. Europe Award 2010 Innovation for Sustainable Development and National Award 2013 for Best Scientific Work. COBRA Collective and Advisory Board member of the International Leverhulme-Centre for Wildfires, UK, and Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA-United Nations). MAK'IT Visiting Scientist (2022-2023), University of Montpellier, France. Bilbao is author and co-author of 100+ publications, including research, technical papers, books, book chapters, and UNESCO, UNEP, RIOCC and other international organisations reports, with more than 150 interdisciplinary and intersectoral authors from academic, Indigenous and fire-practitioner backgrounds. 

Bibiana Bilbao


Professor – Department of Environmental Studies (Universidad Simón Bolívar), COBRA Collective, Associate researcher – Université Paul Valéry Montpellier

Advisory Council

Marc Castellnou

Marc Castellnou Ribau is a forestry engineer from the Universitat of Lleida and inspector of the Fire Department of Catalonia. He has been the Chief of the Graf Area since 1999, a unit of forest fire specialists with the capacity to analyze and execute technical fire maneuvers. Castellnou works as a strategic analyst of forest fires, a field in which he has developed a good part of his professional career and where he has stood out for his capacity for innovation, incorporating knowledge and criteria for decision making in situations of large forest fires. He stands out for his contributions to the international fire community in the interpretation of the relationship between landscape and fire based on the concept of fire generations and for his most recent work in the interpretation of pyrocumulonimbus in the development of extreme fire events.

Marc Castellnou


Head of GRAF,
Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Montserrat Cabré

Maria Montserrat Cabré, is a forestry engineer and works as a territory engineer in the Parc del Garraf and Parc d'Olèrdola of the Diputació de Barcelona. Previously he also worked at Parc del Montseny. She has been a volunteer firefighter since 2013 and has worked in different campaigns at the GRAF Technical Unit and the Forest Fires Unit of the University of Lleida, as part of the Fire Paradox project.

M. Montserrat Cabré


Territorial engineer, Technical Office of Natural Parks, Diputació de Barcelona

Marta Miralles

Marta Miralles, from the GRAF Technical Unit, is a forestry engineer and deputy inspector of the Generalitat de Catalunya's fire department.
He has worked as a fire analyst for more than 14 years and various figures of command of the guard to the Region of Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre for 4 years. Dins l'Area Forestal de Bombers, is responsible for training and work in areas of forestry research and development and forestry planning in Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre.

Marta Miralles

Subinspector, Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Mercedes Bachfisher

With a degree in Environmental Management, Mercedes Bachfisher worked for the first 10 years
of her career in the Technical Area of the Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Service (SPLIF), in Río Negro, Argentina. There she acquired great experience in database management, GIS, remote sensing and the development of various products used in different instances of fires and directed to different hierarchical levels. She is currently working in TEP (The Emergency Program), a global training program on forest fires,
which seeks to provide that new, different and necessary perspective to manage today's large fires. In TEP she carries out research, analysis and content generation.

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Mercedes Bachfisher

Researcher, TEP ( The Emergency Programme)

Andrea Duane

Andrea Duane received her PhD in terrestrial ecology from the University of Barcelona in 2018 and focuses her research on the study of the fire regime in Mediterranean ecosystems. The aim is to predict the future evolution of the fire regime to help design management plans that reduce the risk of forest fires and ensure the functioning and productivity of ecosystems.

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Andrea Duane

Researcher, CTFC