The impact of fire in Montseny

Información destacada
Date: 14/05/2022Place: Museu Etnològic del Montseny, Arbúcies
Time: 11:30h to 18hOrganisers: Pau Costa Foundation

Information of the conference

Kaythleen Uyttewaal, PhD student of the Pyrolife project, organises the conference “The impact of forest fire in Montseny” in the framework of her doctoral thesis. Her study focuses on how to encourage active participation by the population and the entities of the territory, in forest fire risk management and socio-ecological adaptation in comprehensive fire management, from a transdisciplinary and participatory approach.

The objective of the Conference is to discover the past, present, and future perspectives on the impact of fire in Montseny and Conca de la Tordera. The event is aimed at various actors in the territory to generate knowledge for future participatory workshops.


(11:30 – 14:00) Round Table with: Pere Garriga, mayor of Arbúcies; Josep Ramirez, president of ARAM (Associacio de Ramaders/Agricultors de Montseny); Etel Arilla, GRAF; Lidia Guitart, Associació Propietaris Montnegre; Jordi Madrid, Forescat; Pepa Moran, UPC (MBLandArch); and Kathleen Uyttewaal, PhD researcher at Pau Costa Foundation.

(14:00- 16:00) Lunch

(16:00- 18:00) Field trip

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