Technical sessions of Toledo

Wildfires are one of the greatest threats to the natural resources of our country, but they also pose a problem with connotations of civil protection and social alarm that the responsible administrations are obliged to address and solve. On these occasions, the necessary greater preparation and training of professionals and greater investment in prevention and suppression means and infrastructure is not enough.

Bearing this in mind, the Regional Government of Castilla-la Mancha decided to promote a Conference to generate spaces for debate for professionals from all sectors involved in the management and management of emergencies related to wildfires. Thanks to the sponsorship of Red Eléctrica (REE) and with the organizational support of the Pau Costa Foundation, in 2014 the first edition of the Technical sessions of Toledo was held.


    • V Jornadas Técnicas – La Prevención de incendios forestales. Percepción social (2018) | Programme | Videos
    • IV Jornadas Técnicas – El Factor Humano en la Gestión de los Incendios Forestales: Ética, Valores y Compromiso en las organizaciones (2017) | Programme | Videos
    • III Jornadas Técnicas – Las Nuevas Tecnologías en la Gestión del Fenómeno de las Grandes Emergencias (2016) | Programme
    • II Jornadas Técnicas – Seguridad en operaciones de extinción de incendios forestales (2015) | Programme
    • I Jornadas Técnicas – Incendios Forestales en entornos de Interfaz Rural y Educación Ambiental (2014) | Programme