PyroLife ITN Early Stage Researcher

Deadline: 26/09/2024

The recent wildfire seasons have been a glimpse of what to expect in the future: deadly mega-fires in Mediterranean regions and high fire activity in temperate and boreal areas outside the typical Spring fire season. We cannot solve this challenge with the old mono-disciplinary approach of fire suppression: there is a critical need to change fire management from fire resistance to landscape resilience: Living with Fire. This requires a new type of diverse experts, who not only understand fire, but who are also able to communicate risks, deal with uncertainty, and link scientific disciplines as well as science and practice.

The Innovative Training Network PyroLife (PyroLife ITN) has been training the new generation of interdisciplinary experts in integrated fire management since 2019, acknowledging that 1) knowledge transfer from southern Europe (and worldwide) to temperate Europe can support the new generation of experts; and 2) fire risk planning, communication and management can learn from cross-risk lessons including temperate European expertise in water management. In doing so, this project combines how the North solves community problems with the fire knowledge of the European South.

1 ESR position involving stakeholders through transdisciplinary wildfire research

We are looking for creative and open-minded Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) who are able to link innovative science to society, and communicate with media, stakeholders, and policymakers. Do you have a genuine interest in landscape fires and resilience? Are you up for an interdisciplinary challenge, looking and learning beyond your own field and assumptions? With an international team that is inclusive, collaborative, creative and open-minded? Then we are looking for you!

Objectives of the position

1) Study how transdisciplinary research and approaches can stimulate fire-resilient landscape management.

2) Explore how local and community-based knowledge enhances capacity building and cross-sectoral fire management.

This project aims to improve the effective implementation of wildfire mitigation in rapidly changing environments. This approach will require using bottom-up approaches taking into account local environmental and socio-economic contexts. The candidate will explore how the different approaches of integrated fire management are implemented across the globe, with a special focus on Mediterranean regions and Latin America, and how these strategies have fundamental contributions to a more effective adaption and mitigation of the risk of extreme wildfires worldwide; additionally, it will study strategies to uplift local and community-based knowledge for its more efficient integration on the capacity building for practitioner organisations.

This research will take as basis the outcomes of ESR12 (Kathleen Uyttewaal) and other ESRs on transdisciplinary research developed in PyroLife during the previous years.

We provide

  • A ESR position in the diverse PyroLife training network together with other ESRs and PhD candidates that study landscape fire using an integrated approach.
  • A strong, engaging, collaborative and inclusive network of academics and practitioners.
  • Training on integrated fire management focused on understanding fire, risk communication, integration across disciplines, scales, sectors, and countries, and personal development.
  • Two one-week secondments at two PyroLife organisations (at the European University of Cyprus and FAO headquarters in Italy).
  • Become part of a dynamic team, that works with and for the fire community and society.

Skills desired


  • MSc in natural sciences (e.g. geography, forestry, ecology, earth sciences) with an interest in social sciences (e.g. anthropology, sociology, humanities).
  • Experience in community engagement.
  • Experience in fire management is appreciated.
  • Fluent in English and Spanish (both oral and written).


  • A genuine interest in landscape fire and resilience.
  • Ambition to work on boundary-spanning of applied research, practitioners and society.
  • Willingness to (learn how to) communicate risk, make inter- and transdisciplinary linkages.
  • Willingness to travel including moving to another country for the project, completing two one-week secondments in Europe.
  • Ability to function as a team member, work independently and take responsibility for own research goals.
  • Meet the mobility and early-stage researcher requirements defined for the MSCA-ITN projects.

Mobility and early career requirements

Applicants should comply with the EU rules regarding ITN projects. The most important rules are:

  • Not having completed a doctoral degree.
  • Have obtained a master’s degree within the last four years (full-time equivalent research experience).
  • Not have spent more than 12 months of your time during the last 3 years in Spain.

Employment conditions

We offer a full-time position with the Pau Costa Foundation for 3 months based in Spain. Gross salary per month € 2.736 in the first three months, for a full-time appointment (a plus for family allowance can be added). For the two one-week secondments in Europe, a salary supplement will be added to cover travel, subsistence and research expenses.

The contract must start no later than the 1st of October 2024 – this starting date is unfortunately non-negotiable. Because of the short timeline applicants must hold a Spanish DNI or NIE and a valid work permit, and have a Spanish Social Security number. Applicants not fulfilling these requirements at the moment of the application will not be included in the recruitment process.

About the Pau Costa Foundation

PCF serves as an acknowledged contact point for knowledge exchange in the field of fire ecology research and operational fire management for training and for wildfire management. With a focus on fire operations, including the support of applied research, promoting landscape management planning and certification of landscape quality assisting with landscape management for climate change interventions. All these actions are done under an effective dissemination strategy to transfer expertise and knowledge to the interested actors.

Become part of an international team that works in multidisciplinary research. The Pau Costa Foundation offers an inspiring work environment, dynamic, multicultural and international as well as multiple opportunities for professional growth and learning new skills. Pau Costa Foundation is an organization that promotes equal opportunities and encourages the presentation of candidates.

More information

Contact: Dr. Núria Prat-Guitart (

How to apply

  • Submit your motivation letter and CV (below).
  • Use the template for the motivation letter that outlines four topics we expect you to cover, and that also includes a form to show your eligibility for the programme in terms of Early Stage Researcher and mobility requirements.
  • Application open for 28 days – deadline: 26th of September 2024.

Envíanos tu solicitud

Responsable Tratamiento: FUNDACIÓ D´ECOLOGIA DEL FOC I GESTIÓ D´INCENDIS PAU COSTA ALCUBIERRE (PAU COSTA FOUNDATION) - G55536098, con domicilio en Avinguda Mossen Cinto Verdaguer, 42, Escala A, Baixos 2a. 08552 Taradell. Teléfono 677178666 y mail:

En nombre de FUNDACIÓ D´ECOLOGIA DEL FOC I GESTIÓ D´INCENDIS PAU COSTA ALCUBIERRE (PAU COSTA FOUNDATION) queremos agradecerle su interés y aprovechamos para informarle que en virtud de lo establecido en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (UE 1679/2016), trataremos la información que nos facilite en su currículum vitae con la finalidad de gestionar el proceso de selección del puesto de trabajo al que aplica.

Su información de carácter personal no será cedida a ningún tercero bajo ningún concepto y será tratada a nivel interno con la máxima confidencialidad y cumpliendo con las medidas de seguridad adecuadas y pertinentes.

Los datos proporcionados se conservarán hasta la adjudicación de un puesto de trabajo o como máximo durante un año desde la fecha recepción del mismo.

Usted tiene derecho a obtener la confirmación en cualquier momento sobre si en FUNDACIÓ D´ECOLOGIA DEL FOC I GESTIÓ D´INCENDIS PAU COSTA ALCUBIERRE (PAU COSTA FOUNDATION) estamos tratando sus datos personales por tanto tiene derecho a acceder a los mismos, rectificar los inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando lo considere oportuno.