Executive Team


Degree in Geography (UB) with a Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Emergencies
(UCJC), and another Master's Degree in Leadership and Social Innovation, Direction and
Management of NGOs (ESADE).

Director of the Foundation. He grew professionally during his years with the Group of Forestry
Actions (GRAF) of Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya and later in the Pau Costa Foundation,
led European projects, operational exchanges and advice on risk management, fire analysis and
meteorology of forest fires in countries such as Portugal, France, Argentina, Chile, Australia and

Contact: jvendrell@paucostafoundation.org | Twitter | Linkedin |

Jordi Vendrell​

Director General


Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Postgraduate Degree in Cultural Business Management.

She is in charge of the Administration and Finance department of the Foundation since 2017. She also
participates in the organization of seminars and conferences and in the management of Human

Contact: anna@paucostafoundation.org | Linkedin

Anna Fàbrega

Head of the Administration Area


Núria is in charge of the Foundation's Project Area where she participates in the development of new
project proposals, as well as the coordination of their execution once funded. She also
participates in applied research and she is member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Wildland Fire.

Contact: nprat@paucostafoundation.org | Twitter | Linkedin|

Núria Prat

Head of the Knowledge and Applied Science Area


A forestry engineer, she coordinates the Education and awareness-raising part of the Foundation. She is in charge of fire risk management projects and collaborates in European projects.

Helena Ballart

Head of the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area



Forestry Engineer

Juan works as responsible for the Training and Knowledge Exchange area, mainly coordinating
projects aimed at improving the capabilities of organizations through training and exchange of

Contact: juan@paucostafoundation.org

Juan Caamaño

Head of the Training and Operations Area


Graduated in Forestry Engineering, she has been working in the Foundation since the beginning,
managing several projects and coordinating the Communication of the entity until 2021. Currently,
she is in charge of managing the network of members and the Foundation's relations with the fire

Contact: mariona@paucostafoundation.org

Mariona Borràs

 Head of the Membership and Community Engagement Area


Degree in Political Science and Sociology (UAB) and Master in Communication Management

Ariadna is responsible for communications since February 2022. She is in charge of defining the strategy and communication actions with the aim of contributing to achieving the objectives of the Foundation.

Contact: agoenaga@paucostafoundation.org

Ariadna Goenaga

Head of the Communications Area


Marc Arcarons

Head of the Fire Flocks Project


Graduated in Technical Specialist in Administration.

Lourdes is part of the Administration and Finance department, collaborating in the tasks of budgeting
and project coordination in its economic aspect.

Contact: lourdes@paucostafoundation.org

Lourdes González

Administration Area


Isa Riera

Knowledge and Applied Science Area


Pau Guarque

Knowledge and Applied Science Area


Jonathan Troncho

Knowledge and Applied Science Area


Biologist from the University of Granada and Environmental Educator. European funding project technique: coordination and execution of proposals, such as Fire-Adapt and ResAlliance.

Júlia Nogués

Knowledge and Applied Science Area


Biologist from the University of Granada and Environmental Educator. European funding project technique: coordination and execution of proposals, such as Fire-Adapt and ResAlliance.

Víctor Gil

Knowledge and Applied Science Area


Degree in Environmental Sciences (Universitat de Girona), and a Master in Analysis and
Management of Global Environmental Change.

Guillem is responsible for coordinating and implementing projects and initiatives related to fire risk management at local and landscape scale, always in
coordination with the main actors of each territory and seeking to integrate the different visions. He
also collaborates in European projects (Horizon, Interreg, ERASMUS+).

Contact: gcanaleta@paucostafoundation.org  | Twitter | Linkedin

Guillem Canaleta

 Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area


Graduated in Forest Engineering from the Universitat de Lleida and with a master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention from the Universitat of Vic, Carla works as a project technician at the Education and Awareness Area of the Foundation.

Carla Vilarasau

Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area


Martí Romaní

Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area


Felipe Borderas

Training and Operations Area


Forest engineer.

Since 1998 Orlando works inthe field of integrated fire management in different areas: firefighter, unit chief and helicopter technician, training technician, analyst, management, planning and execution of Rx.

Passionate about travel. Restless mind. He loves to help in whatever way I can.

Orlando Martínez

Training and Operations Area


Biologist (University of Seville) with a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (University of Barcelona), an MSc in Science Communication (Imperial College London) and a Master´s Degree in Secondary Education (University of Seville).

Lucía is in charge of the communication of the European projects PyroLife and Fire-Adapt. She also gives a hand in the communication of other PCF projects such as Fire Flocks and EduFire.

Lucía de la Riva

Communications Area


Georgina Solà

Communications Area


Graduated in Biology  (UB), PhD in Ecology (UAB) and Master degree in Scientific Communication (UPF).

Mia Morante

Communications Area


Graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), with a Master's Degree in Clinical Ethology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Finally, she was trained at the School of Pastors of Catalonia.

As a Fire Flocks technician, Merlès works on the development and drafting of the project.

Contact: merles@paucostafoundation.org 

Merlès Martínez

Fire Flocks Project


Ona Alay

Fire Flocks Project

Equal opportunities

0 %
0 %

Professional growth

Trainee students
0 +
Youth Guarantee Contracts

Active contributors


Degree in Journalism (UMH), Master in Social Sciences (Universität Siegen) and Course in Scientific Communication (UVIC).

Celia collaborates in some projects of the Foundation. She has been responsible for the communication area of several European projects such as IOPES, HEIMDALL, GEO-SAFE, among others. She also gives support in the coordination of the Erasmus Plus project "EduFire Toolkit" and in the organization of conferences or events.

Jordi Pagès

Prevention plans


Forestry Engineer (UCLM), Master in Integrated Management of Forest Fires (UdL), Master in Civil
Protection and Emergency Management (UV), Higher University Degree in Mindfulness and
Emotional Management (La Salle) and University Expert in Forest Planning and Management Tools
based on LiDAR technology (UCO).

Julián works as an instructor for the Training and Knowledge Exchange area. He is in charge of instruction, coordination, organization and development of contents in different courses, plans and training frameworks at national and international level. He's currently focused on the joint CONAF-PCF Training Framework, BREMIF training project in Ecuador and MIF project in Bolivia.

Contact: julian@paucostafoundation.org| Twitter | Linkedin|

Julián Cuevas

Training and Operations


Bachelor of Science (UC Berkeley- College of Natural Resources); Master in Agroecology
(Universidad Internacional de Andalucía); PhD Candidate Wageningen University & Research

Kata is developing a PhD project within the MSCA Innovative Training Network, PyroLife. She collaborates with the technical team of the foundation and we foster opportunities for participatory and transdisciplinary research.

Contact: kauyttewaal@paucostafoundation.org | Twitter | Linkedin|

Kathleen Uyttewaal

PhD Student


Emma Soy

Fire Flocks Project

They have been part of the Executive Team...

  • Alícia Torres – Communications (2022-2023)
  • Aniol Ferragut – Training and operations (2017-2018)
  • Antonia Arilla – Administration (2015-2017)
  • Berta Treserras – Internship in Communication (2019-2020)
  • Carles Sant – Internship in Administration (2019-2020)
  • Celia Conde -Communications (2017-2021)
  • David Caballero – Knowledge and Applied Science (2019-2020)
  • David Martín – Knowledge and Applied Science (2029-2024)
  • Emma Soy – Resilient Landscapes and Societies.
  • Erika Verdiani – Internships in the project area (2022-2023)
  • Gerard Querol – Administration (2023-2024)
  • Guillem Armengol – Landscapes and resilient societies (2022-2023)
  • Iman El Hammouti – Administration (2019-2020)
  • Isabel Vázquez – Training and operations (2017)
  • Joan Sala – Administration (2024)
  • Jordi Bayés – Internship in Landscapes and Resilient Societies (2021-2022)
  • José Luis Duce- Training and operations (2015-2021)
  • Júlia Charles – Knowledge and Applied Science Internship (2021-2022)
  • Laia Abelló – Internship in Communication (2022)
  • Laia Estivill – Knowledge and Applied Science (2021-2022)
  • Laura Gracia – Knowledge and Applied Science (2022-2023)
  • Lluc Piquer – Internship in Communication (2022-2023)
  • M. Carmen Muñoz – Knowledge and Applied Science (2018)
  • Marcel Guarque – Internship in Resilient Landscapes and Societies (2019-2020)
  • Marta Sellart – Internship in Communication (2021-2022)
  • Mercè Roura -Art and Fire project (2023)
  • Montserrat Cabré – Resilient Landscapes and Societies (2015)
  • Núria Molero – Internship in Communication (2021-2022)
  • Oriol Vilalta – Management, Knowledge and Applied Science (2013-2021)
  • Ornella Guzmán – Administration (2017-2018)
  • Pablo Puertas – Administration (2019)
  • Pol Arcarons –  “Ramats de Foc” project (2023-2024)
  • Sébastien Lahaye – Knowledge and Applied Science (2019)
  • Sergi Nuss – Resilient Landscapes and Societies (2019)
  • Sílvia Lapeña – Administration (2018-2023)
  • Vanessa Font – Administration (2017)
  • Wafaa El Khader – Administration (2020)
  • Xènia Juan – Knowledge and Applied Science (2022)