Collaboration agreement between FAN (Bolivia) and the PCF

On July 25, 2022, a framework collaboration agreement was signed between FAN, Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Bolivia) and the Pau Costa Foundation to exchange knowledge, experiences, and technical and operational contributions, and social awareness in the protection against wildfires.

The objective of the agreement is to establish a framework for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and contributions of professionals at the technical and operational levels in the broad field of wildfire protection. To this end, collaboration is required in the areas of planning, research and management of wildfire prevention and damage mitigation; risk prediction and fire behaviour; preparation of human, material, land and air resources to detect and control wildfires; fire extinction and forest restoration, among other knowledge and experiences that may be of interest to both institutions.

“The signing of the agreement gives us the opportunity to exchange and capitalize on knowledge, approaches and institutional experiences related to wildfires. This collaboration will strengthen the work of both organizations in research, capacity building, outreach and innovation, establishing international partnerships and joint projects to improve prevention, preparedness and response to wildfires” says Verónica Ibarnegaray, FAN’s Project Director.

Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN) is a private, non-profit organization that works to implement biodiversity conservation actions in Bolivia, including protected area management, municipal environmental management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biotrade, and scientific research and planning for conservation.

“The agreement with FAN allows us to continue weaving, promoting and empowering the regional network of experts in Latin America. The joint actions of knowledge exchange, technical advice, training and awareness, together with the actions we are developing in Chile, Argentina and Ecuador, will allow us to open channels of exchange and collaboration between these countries and the European network,” says Jordi Vendrell, Director of the Pau Costa Foundation.

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