January, 31st 2017
“Prescribed burnings as a tool for wildfire risk reduction”
Pre-conference field trip specially addressed to land managers, fire planners and researchers.
The pre-conference field trip will focus on the use of prescribed burnings as a tool for wildfire risk reduction.
The trip leaders, CTFC researchers and GRAF firefighters, will present the behavior of one of the most extreme wildfire that ocurred in the Central Catalunya (Solsones, 1998) and which shifted the strategies of wildfire prevention and extintion. Highlights include discussions in the field about the pros-and-cons of understory fuel management of Submediterranean black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. salzmannii) forest. The visit will show different understory management options such as mechanical clearing or burning and discuss the factors determining the resprouting vigor of different shrub species. The effects of prescribed burning on P. sylvestris and P. nigra will also be analysed.
Trip leaders
Pere Casals (CTFC), Teresa Valor (CTFC) and Asier Larrañaga (GRAF)