
GRAM team (Mediterranean Environment Research Group) from the University of Barcelona has been studying the effects that the controlled fires have in the environment. Three national projects (2003-2006; 2006-2009; and 2014-2016) founded by the Spanish Government permitted to do a deep research about the use of fire in different land uses and with different objectives. The members of this group have are internationally recognized, publishing and organizing special issues in high ranked journals (e.g Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Research, Catena, Geoderma) about fire impacts in the ecosystems. Since 2011, we organized several conferences and short courses about fire at EGU Assembly.

GRAM team is currently investigating how the intensity of the prescribed fire may affect the soil properties; how often these controlled fires can be applied in a same place or for example, how the land use is important in terms of planning a prescribed fire for landscape managing.